Malvern Wells Parish Council Inquorate
Malvern Wells Parish Council
Due to councillor resignations Malvern Wells Parish Council (the Parish Council) became inquorate on 6 January 2025.
In consequence five members of Malvern Hills District Council have been appointed to act as elected members of the Parish Council:
- Mark Driscoll
- John Raine
- Frances Victory
- Malcolm Victory
- Christine Wild
The Parish retains three members previously elected:
- Jim Black
- Robert Price
- Chris O'Donnell
(Section 91 of the Local Government Act 1972 provides if too many Parish Councillor vacancies to act, the District Council may by Order appoint persons to fill vacancies as temporary members).
Contact Information
- 07988427507
Find Malvern Wells Parish Council
Malvern Wells PC, PO Box 379, Malvern Wells, Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 9JR
Additional Information
*****Please Note**** Clerk is off sick until the 17th February please contact Jim or Rob